Ok if you would have asked me a year ago if life would be like it is, I would have said you were smoking something...
I figure out school runs and dentist appointments. Oh and work and maybe have a social life as well. Also clean the house, do laundry, grocery shop and plan and cook the meals. Seriously who am I?
I am a planner but never really envisioned this type of planning. All I need is more cash - just like everyone else! Heck maybe a lottery winning of say 500k as we aren't greedy but would always welcome more.
I need from PC: a massage, bottle of wine, nice meal all served to me in a nice hotel room where we can eat in our undies or PJ's. I don't want to get dressed up or be fancy. I just want a pamper and to spend a quiet night alone with my hubby with some awesome food/drink and maybe even some nookie!
(all I can hear is the lyrics,"I did it all for the nookie!")
I am all about the relaxed night as I don't need fancy!
Happy Valentines Day
Snow Wife