Friday 10 May 2013

Ok ok chill

Obviously renovation work is a bitch but we are doing it. We figured out why I want to cut his tongue out and shove it down his throat...communication lol duh
See for approx 30 years of my life things have been a certain way but England is obviously different.
Example time:
Door knobs here in the house ONLY turn left which I thought the knob was broke. It's not, it's normal - here.
So I of course brought this up saying they were weird and I got a lecture on how it's right and then a lecture on why its right. Well I never said it was wrong, just weird. Still why does it have to be weird? Well again 30 something years my knobs always go both ways so its weird to me.
Allow things to still be weird for me. So now he does. I am not looking for Why or Reasons. I am just stating its weird for me. Thankyouverymuch

So now we have that settled and discussions happen on the next plan because we both aren't mind readers, things are moving along just fine.

PS I still need a real JOB with real cash money - anyone ?

Snow wife

Saturday 4 May 2013


I am not sure how a married couple makes it thru a renovation. I am ready to stay how it is just so there are no more bullshit statements. Amazing how insensitive a man can be. I bust my ass painting and he comments how it isn't done... Goes on to tell the dwarfs that it looked before I painted. Well guess what buddy boy you just won the deal of painting.
So learn to be positive or negative things will happen. Just like now because I am not an employee...
Yes this is a bitch blog but also a reality check because if you want to live here with us then the negativity must end. Hire someone to do it just to keep is sane.
This is my opinion, take it or leave it.

Karma is a bitch

Snow wife