I think Valentine's is great but I also feel you should do this everyday not just one day such as random flowers, cards and the occasionally breakfast in bed.
This leads me to the perfect cup of Joe aka coffee.
I have never ever been the type of person who would touch instant coffee although in my experience British people will ask for instant because it is standard. It is a better grade the the US instant water garbage but no thanks I prefer the drip coffee at all costs.
We do have a pretty kick ass machine that will grind the beans and go on at a certain time (which I have never read the manual to make it do this yet).
I love flavored coffee. Full Stop.
I love flavored creamers. Full Stop
Can you find this easily? NO NO and NO
Thank goodness for friends and family who can feel my pain and send me flavored coffee and creamers. Even my wonderful hubster knows how much I love flavored coffee and I got some in my stocking that are BEANS so I can grind them...awww heaven.
I am not sure why the British haven't got hip with the idea of flavored creamers considering in London there are coffee shops on every corner - no kidding.
The big names are:
Cafe Nero
Pret a Manger
Esquire Coffee
Plus there are a TON of smaller ones everywhere. So obviously the UK does like it's coffee and I am guessing it isn't just flat white coffee. Doesn't anyone see the market for creamers? I sure do.
International Delight makes tons of flavors but a few of my favorite ones are:

So since I don't have access to these beautiful creamers I learn new ways to make some kick butt coffee, yes a cheater way.
I head to a big warehouse store where the coffee shops by the pump syrup and get a bottle of Caramel syrup. I now own a milk frother that you just add milk and pump. You must also have some good coffee to make and I do prefer Taylor's of Harrogate if you can't get the good US stuff.
1. Store your coffee in your fridge in an air tight container
2. Use fresh filtered water
3. Make it fresh each day
1/2 teaspoons of said syrup, frothy no-fat milk and 3/4 cup of coffee = 1 happy camper.
Now this is the simple morning routine but below are a few links to recipes to make your own flavored coffee's as well. (Yes I used to use carnation condensed milk as a creamer but man the fat content in that is INSANE!)
Gingerbread Latte
Spiced Pumpkin Lattee
Make your own Creamer
So go on and try making a flavored cup of coffee oh and a small hint...if you have pumpkin pie spice when you add coffee to the filter sprinkle it on before brewing and it will taste like pumpkin.
What is your secret to a perfect cup of Joe, without going out to buy it?
snow wife
"Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds."
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